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HomeEvents CalendarThe CORE of Our Core Competencies with Ben Dooley, MCC

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The CORE of Our Core Competencies with Ben Dooley, MCC

I discovered the CORE from over 17 years of mentoring, guiding, training and growing coaches of all levels. (ACC to MCC).  We have 8 Core Competencies that establish and define our coaching, but it can be tricky to powerfully evaluate and supervise as we prepare for our credentialing or to grow our coaching.  Why?  Because there are actually more like over 50 markers within those competencies that we need to be tracking. And the more we focus on what we need to accomplish and fulfil, the harder it is to truly show up powerfully in our coaching.  Not only that, but it’s unnecessarily making our coaching journey so much more difficult and complex.

Wouldn't it be easier if we had a simple model and design that gave us actually only 3 things to maintain and hold in our coaching, and those three CORE COMPONENTS go underneath and support the Core Competencies and your coach training to instantly and easily expand, deepen, solidify and engage our coaching in powerful ways. 

I'll give you a hint: they aren’t any of the Core Competencies, but rather they appear in ALL of them.  And with this powerful CORE in your coaching, your coaching will never be the same!

Learning Objectives:

Coaches will discover a deeper level of the Core Competencies and Markers
Coaches will be able to access their coaching power, range and presence.
Coaches will be able to listen deeper and fuller, create a richer awareness, establish trust more easily, and get their clients moving into action more easily.
Coaches will watch their coaching expand, enhance, deepen and grow faster
Coaches will know how to coach the Uncoachable
They will also be able to recover their coaching when they get stuck, lost or fall out of coaching.
They’ll also have a solid and clear design that defines coaching so they can easily identify if they are coaching powerfully or not (and how to get into powerful coaching
In other words, this simple, yet extremely powerful structure/design will open up new levels and allow the coach to show up more confidently and truly BE the coach they are here to BE

Participants will earn 1.5 Core Competency CCEs for attending this program.

About our speaker:

Ben Dooley
is a Master Certified coach who trains, supports and grows coaches in as many ways as he can: with the bi-weekly “COACHING SKILLS FORUM” telecalls, the BeDo Bits Newsletter and his “MasterFull IS as MasterFull DOES” workbook series. He also has created a wide range of interactive and engaging coach growing workshops, webinars and teleclasses for ALL coaches like the one you’re going to get today. His powerful and unparalleled “MasterFull YOU Advanced Coach Training Program” targets “the Science, Artistry and Performance of our coaching,” and has catapulted many coaches to their next level and beyond.

He has trained and grown hundreds of coaches of all levels—from ACC to MCC—and presented to over 40 ICF chapters and conference events around the world. In fact, just about everything he does in the coaching world demonstrates his overwhelming commitment to helping coaches discover their powerful coaching magnificence, confidence and success. It’s simple: the world needs us to show up and BE the MasterFull coaches that we are here to BE and DO the MasterFull coaching that the world needs us to DO. And your journey towards your own MasterFull Coaching continues to deepen right now. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024, 12:00 PM until 1:30 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)
Videoconference information will be provided in an email once payment is received.
Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Meredith L Williams
Registration is required
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